What kind of course should I take as a new motorcycle rider?

What kind of course should I take as a new motorcycle rider? Well, the answer is any gold standard course like MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) course. 

MSF course is one of the courses which has enough potential to help you become a safe rider.

What kind of course should I take as a new motorcycle rider?

So what can you expect from motorcycle courses? What would be the cost of motorcycle courses? And what’s the minimum age to enroll in these courses? 

We know you must have these questions, and we promise that you’ll get the idea of the ABC of motorcycles courses in this post. 

What You Can Expect from Motorcycle Courses:

They’ll teach you the ABC of motorcycles and how to be a safe rider in motorcycle courses.

Instructors would also teach you the motorbike’s controls, a motorbike’s clutch system, and gear systems throughout the course. Additionally, they would teach you about turns, speed limits, on-road instructions, and other important lessons. 

Overall, you can expect that good motorcycle courses would teach you to become a safe rider. 

What’s the Minimum Age to Enroll in Motorcycle Courses:

The minimum age for enrolling in motorcycle courses depends upon your state or country’s license age.

If you’re underage still, you’re eligible to enroll in motorcycle courses. Enrolling in the motorcycle course underage would need your parent’s or guardians’ permission or any undertaking. 

However, after passing the test, you aren’t eligible for a license if you’re still underage. 

What Would be the Cost of Motorcycle Courses:

What Would be the Cost of Motorcycle Courses.

The average cost of a motorcycle would be $200-$300. However, the cost of motorcycle courses depends upon the state you’re living in. 

Introductory gold-rated courses like MSF would cost $100 nationwide only. However, the cost of an advanced course would be more than the introductory course. 

How Long Does it Take to Learn Motorcycle Course for Motorcycle Rider:

Well, it depends upon your experience, if you’ve driven any vehicle then, it will take you a few hours to one week to learn how to ride a motorcycle.

As discussed in our previous post, learning motorcycles would take more than a month if you haven’t driven any vehicle yet. 

How Long Will the Motorcycle Course Last for Motorcycle Rider:

It varies from course to course, some courses take longer, and some won’t. On average, the instructor designed the course for 15 hours. 

Out of 15 hours, the instructor would give you the necessary lessons for road safety, bike safety, and other theoretical studies. And the remaining 10 hours would be dedicated only to practical classes. 

Please note that some advanced courses take much more time than the introductory course; the advanced course probably takes 20-25 hours. 

Is Motorcycle Course is Necessary for Motorcycle Rider:

Yes, a motorcycle course is necessary for motorcycle riders and essential for their safety and other people riding around their motorcycle. 

Even in some countries like the UK, you must get training in motorcycle courses to get an authorized license and certificate. 

Do I Need to Know How to Balance Motorcycle:

Yes, balancing is one of the essential factors that you shouldn’t ignore. Without proper balancing, you wouldn’t ride a motorcycle for even a meter. 

Do I Need to Know How to Balance Motorcycle.

We recommend you to learn the balancing of motorcycles first before enrolling in the course. Or you can tell your instructor about your present scenario and book a class to learn the balancing of the motorbike. 

Tips to Choose Best Motorcycle Course for Motorcycle Rider:

Learning motorcycles is easy when you choose the best motorcycle course for you. Maybe they’re many institutes in your state, but only some are worthwhile enough. 

So how will you choose the best motorcycle course for your needs? 

We’ve some tips that’ll probably help you choose the best motorcycle course for you. 

Top Tips to Choose Best Motorcycle Course for You
Area offered.
Evaluate your teacher. 
Evaluate the equipment.

Area Offered

Before enrolling in any motorcycle course, make sure they have plenty of space for you to practice. 

If any institute doesn’t have enough space for you to practice, then how will you practice? 

A large practice area provides enough space for a new rider to ride a bike at high speed. 

If any institute in your area doesn’t have a suitable space facility, don’t lose hope. You can learn motorcycles in these institutes too, but it’ll take time for you to be an excellent rider. 

Evaluate Your Teacher:

After evaluating the site area, please assess your future teacher education and riding experience. 

You can evaluate your teacher’s riding skills, experience, and rating from past students. These evaluations help you choose the best institute and course for yourself. 

Always remember you’re not enrolling in a course for the sake of license; you’re joining to become a safe and good rider. And nothing will accept below perfection when it comes to choosing the best motorcycle course.   

Evaluate Equipment:

Before enrolling in a course, make sure the instructor has all the essential equipment and other resources needed for you to learn motorcycles. 

Along with equipment, make sure the instructor has suitable and reliable safety gear. However, we recommend you have your safety gear. 

Things to Consider When Leaning Motorcycle:

Things to Consider When Leaning Motorcycle
Choosing the best motorcycle. 
Choosing the best safety gear.
Don’t forget to wear helmets. 
Always be on alert. 
Stay away from highways. 
Say no to passengers. 

Choosing the Best Motorcycle:

Please choose a low CC motorcycle for you in the learning phase. But why? You may disagree with our point because you love to ride a highly CC and sporty motorbike, isn’t it? 

We aren’t saying you to ride a small bike for your entire lifetime, but we’re saying you to avoid high CC bikes for a while.

High CC bikes or sporty bikes are hard to balance and come with much potential that you hardly control. High CC bikes give much larger acceleration in just one throttle than any low CC bikes.

Additionally, in the learning phase, you’ll surely drop the motorcycle, and we don’t want you to spend $1000 to repair the motorcycle. 

Choosing the Best Gears:

Dropping the motorcycle and injuring yourself is common while learning a motorcycle. You can’t change the future; you just prepare for the future by our predictions.

The best safety gear for novices should be hard enough that can protect one from a significant injury. We want you to cross-check your safety gear thickness while buying the safety gear for you—the more the thickness, the better the safety gears.

Finding the best safety gear may be difficult for you; that’s why we’ll share some best safety gear for you at the end of this post. 

Don’t Forget to Wear Helmets:

According to a CDC report, the US could save $1 billion if every US rider wore helmets. 

Helmets for novices riders are still underrated, and believe us; helmets can save your life too. It’s necessary to wear helmets to protect your precious thing between two eyes.

Wear helmets, not for laws and penalties, but for your safety. 

Always Be on Alert:

Many riders aren’t as good as you on the road. They drive recklessly; they usually collide their vehicle anywhere and injure themselves and others. That’s why we recommend you be on alert while riding. 

For the first few months, avoid heavy traffic, major highways, and crowded areas. You can enjoy riding in heavily crowded areas and roads only after some experience. 

Stay Away from Highways:

If you’re thinking of testing your skills on highways and roadways, then we’d recommend not even think of it. 

Highways and other busy roadways are probably the most wrong choice for any rider to test their skills. So, where will you test your skills?

We recommend you to look at some not too busy highways and roadways to test your skills. You can start testing your skills from the streets. Or you can try your skills in your institute practice area. 

Always remember, it’s not about your safety but for others too. You’re free to ride on highways only after you become an experienced rider.

Say No to Passenger:

Riding motorcycles with passengers might be the only biggest mistake that beginners make. Riding with passengers needs more stability and balance than riding alone.

Even in some countries like the UK, you can’t ride motorcycles with passengers in the learning phase.

For the sake of your safety, we don’t recommend you to ride with anyone on a motorcycle until you become an experienced rider. Or you can ride with only someone else who knows how to balance and how to ride a motorcycle. 

Best Safety Gear for Motorcycle:

As promised above, we figured out some best safety gears for you. These safety gears aren’t only safe to use, but also they’re budget-friendly.

ILM Motorcycle Dual Visor Helmet:

One couldn’t express the importance of a lightweight helmet while riding on the bike. 

Safety assurance is one of the crucial concerns for riders; that’s why ILM dual visor helmet comes with dot safety assurance.

It would be best if you didn’t hurt your neck area because of heavy-weight helmets; that’s why we choose ILM helmets for you. 

Your attention while riding on the road is essential, especially when you’re a novice. And that’s why manufacturers made ILM dual visor helmets with wind sound resistance and an anti-fog mechanism.

Alpinestar Pants:

Protecting your lower body is also crucial as protecting your head. Do you ever imagine why most of the accidents occur at night? 

The answer is visibility. Visibility is the common cause of life-threatening accidents. And that’s why we must wear rider pants that adjust to low light conditions. 

Manufacturers made Alpinestar pants from the light adjustable fabric, which might avoid the accident. 

Don’t stress! These pants come with a removable thermal liner which ensures comfort in hot as well as cold climates. 

Our Verdict:

What kind, of course, should I take as a new motorcycle rider? Any gold-stranded motorcycle course like the MSF course would be the best for you. 

You can expect the instructor to teach you the ABC of motorcycle and road rules in your state in the motorcycle course. If you’re underage, then you might not be eligible for a license. But you can enroll in the motorcycle course with your local guardian’s permission. 

If you’ve driven any vehicle then, learning to ride a motorcycle would be easy for you and might take a few hours to one week. However, if you haven’t driven any vehicle, it might take months to be a good rider. 

While learning motorcycles, there’s no need to hurry. And we hope you’ll become a good and safe rider soon.