Is Learning to Ride a Motorcycle Hard?

Is learning to ride a motorcycle hard? NO, riding motorcycles is freaking easy, and anyone can learn to ride as long as they follow the rules. 

Is Learning to Ride a Motorcycle hard

But if you don’t follow the proper rules and try to ride a motorcycle, it can be 38 times more hard and dangerous than riding a car. 

Think of a situation in which you’re driving recklessly, and suddenly you hit the immovable or movable object. Well, in this unfortunate situation, you can seriously injure someone or yourself. And in the worst-case scenario, you could die too.

What’re some needs to learn motorcycles, and how to avoid any unfortunate situation? 

We know you must have these questions, and we promise that you’ll get the idea of the ABC of learning motorcycles. 

Why Learning to Ride a Motorcycle is Hard:

The top reason why people think learning to ride a motorcycle is hard because of the gear system.

Unlike car gear systems, the bike gear system is quite different. In the car gear system, you don’t have to change gears in sequential order. While on the bike, you’ve to change the gear in sequential order. 

For instance, if you want to change the bike gear from second to fourth while riding, you’ve to go from second, then after third, and finally fourth. The sequence can be mentioned as second gear → , third gear → , fourth gear, and that’s why bike gear is also called “sequential gearbox.” 

While in a car, there is nothing like a sequence gear. You can jump the gear to the fourth gear from the second gear directly. 

Additionally, in some bikes, the gear is more complicated than others. For instance, in some racing bikes, you have to remove the gear from neutral to first and then go neutral again for second or third gear. 

The sequence can be mentioned as neutral→ first gear → neutral→ second gear → third gear.

This complex sequential gear mechanism makes people confused sometimes, making them learn to ride a motorcycle hard.

The second problem that most people find challenging is balance. Apart from learning to ride a motorbike, you must be good at balancing the motorcycle first. If you’re not good at making balance, we highly recommend you to ride a bicycle first. 

Here we’re not saying that learning motorcycles are challenging for you. But what we’re saying is that you may find it hard to ride a bike without perfection in the above things. 

So, what’re some top things you need to learn to become a professional rider? 

What are Some Needs to Learn Motorcycling:

Every person has their own needs to learn motorcycles. However, there are some common reasons, such as: 

Ease of Movement:

It’s common to use vehicles for movement from one place to another. Ease of movement facilitates the transport of goods from one place to another. 

But it’s not all about the movement; motorcycles facilitate the ease of movement when you ride in the city. Car drivers waste around 149 hours per year in Metro Cities like Chicago and Boston; in traffic, while bike riders can save their precious time. 

Another common reason why people start to learn motorcycles is to show others and impress others. And later these people become professional stuntmen. 

Cautious: Don’t try to impress others and do stunts unless you become a professional rider. 

Aspects you Need to Know While Learning to Ride a Motorcycle:

There are some aspects which you need to know when learning a motorcycle. These aspects not only help you ride a bike, but also help you become a successful rider. These aspects are:

Aspects you Need to Know When Learning Motorcycle:
Using the clutch. 
Using the throttle. 
Proper use of brakes. 
Clear understanding of state or country traffic rules. 
Shifting of gears. 


balancing is one of the Aspects you Need to Know While Learning to Ride a Motorcycle

Balancing the bike is a common aspect that you must know before learning to ride the bike. You know what? Balancing the motorbike is very similar to balancing the bike or cycle. But the only difference is that a motorbike is much heavier than a motorless bike. 

Thanks to the center of gravity, nowadays, manufacturers make bikes stable two-wheelers. You’ll find the motorbike much more stable than the cycle or motorless bike, even at a low speed.

Still, for your safety, we recommend you to learn the balancing of motorless bikes first. 

Using the Clutch:

The clutch is the leading bike part that connects the engine to the rider’s hands directly. 

Although clutch in cars and bikes are quite different, the sense of using them is the same. Failing to use the clutch system on a motorcycle will cause stalling, which is one of the mistakes that novices ever made.

Using the Throttle:

Using throttle seems pretty simple, but it comes with a kick. The use of a throttle without synchronization of the clutch will cause stalling. And that’s why novices should learn to use the throttle with the clutch’s combination.

Failing to use a throttle while using a clutch will cause stalling or turning off the engine suddenly. The style of the throttle in the bikes is the same as the car. So if you’ve driven the car in the past, then learning bike throttle would be much easier for you.

Proper Use of Brakes:

Proper Use of Brakes is one of the Aspects you Need to Know While Learning to Ride a Motorcycle

Brakes in the motorcycle are the same as motorless cycles, but the only difference is, in the motorcycle the rear brake is not controlled by the left bar; instead, it is governed by the pedal.

So if you’ve driven a motorless bike in the past, then it would be easy for you to learn the brakes quickly. 

Shifting Gears: 

Shifting gears in bikes is very similar to shifting gears in cars. But the only difference is that you’ve to use your legs on the bike. 

If you’ve driven a car in the past, then you can learn to shift gears quickly, but if you weren’t, then you’ve to learn the shifting of gears first. 

Shifting gears on a bike requires the rider to change the gear and apply clutch and throttle simultaneously. We recommend you learn to use the clutch and throttle before shifting gears.

Must Know Road Rules: 

Although it’s the most common aspect, still the most ignorant one. If you haven’t ridden any vehicle yet, we recommend studying the basic rules through the internet and books. 

If you have driven any vehicle in the past, you only need to practice creating your muscle memory. 

Easiest Aspects to learn:

From the list mentioned above of aspects, there’re some easy aspects which you can learn from this movement. The easiest aspects are:

  • Learn to shift gears.
  • Learn to use the clutch. 

Shifting gears and using the clutch are the easiest, yet essential to learn. Since they’re easy to learn, it doesn’t mean you can ignore these aspects as these aspects play a vital role at the micro-level in bike driving.

Most challenging Aspect to Learn:

From the list mentioned above, some most challenging aspects might need a lot of practice and time. The most challenging parts are:

These aspects play a vital role at the macro level and require a lot of time and patience to learn. Riding the motorbike would be impossible without strengthening your skills in the above aspects. 

Whom to Choose, a Friend or a Teacher:

Choosing the best buddy to teach you learning the bike might be your hardest decision ever. And we’re hoping you could make this hardest decision wisely. 

You may find comfort when choosing a friend or a close family member as your bike instructor. Choosing your friend or an immediate family member might save you money as well. But believe us, this could be your worst decision ever. 

Your friend or a close family member can be the skilled riders, but they aren’t trained and qualified teachers. 

First thing, your experienced friend will bombard years of their experience on you that you couldn’t handle. And this professional knowledge is undoubtedly not sufficient to pass you the driving test. 

Whom to Choose, a Friend or a Teacher

Additionally, expecting to learn about the ABC of gear, clutch, throttle, you would get a lot of advice to hamper your learning. 

We’re not saying, advice and experience are bad for motorcycle learning. But what we’re saying is to stay away from people’s experiences and advice for a while. 

Lastly, in countries like the UK, you can’t ride a bike with a passenger along with you in the learning phase. So say goodbye to your family and close relative experiences and their advice. 

Risk Associated While Learning to Ride a Motorcycle

We don’t want you to overestimate riding and learning the motorcycle. Accidents and death related to accidents are real things happening all over the USA. 

And it would be good enough for you, not to neglect the bike accident cases and risks involved while learning and riding the motorcycle. The risks associated with the bike are:

  • Head-on or front ends collision, caused when the front end of two vehicles collides with each other. This incident is much more fatal for motorbike riders than car riders because of the airbag’s presence in the car. 
  • Rear-end collision, mostly caused by foggy and rainy seasons. Unfortunately, like head-end collisions, this collision is also fatal.
  • Reckless car drivers or irresponsible car drivers may not be aware of motorcycle riders, resulting in a fatal collision. Unlike the crash mentioned above, this collision could be non-fatal. 
  • Wet roads during the rainy season are common reasons for riders’ injury during riding. 
  • Open potholes during the dark condition, open potholes may cause mechanical damage and spine injury to the bike rider. Believe us, spine injury is the most painful injury that’ll ever last.
  •  Applying brakes too hard on the wet surface causes the bike to slip. Using brakes too hard is also a significant reason for common injury among bike riders. 

Precautions While Learning to Ride a Motorcycle:

While riding, you shouldn’t ignore your safety. But it’s favourable time you learned how fatal the bike accident could be. 

Look, don’t underestimate the risk involved while leaning and riding the bike because, at the time of the accident, your body will act as the motorcycle body. 

In other words, your body weight won’t counter the weight of your bike, which will make the accident more fatal. 

In the upcoming section, you’ll learn the safety measure that you should take to avoid any unfortunate situation. Stay tuned!!

How Long Will it Takes to Learn a Motorcycle:

Usually, the time taken to learn to ride a motorcycle is between two to eight weeks. 

However, the time taken to learn a motorcycle depends on the skill set the person may have already. The skills such as:

  • Using the clutch.
  • Using the brakes. 
  • And have ideas about the road rules. 

The more the person knows about these aspects, the less time it will take them to learn. 

However, the daily practice also plays a vital role in the learning phase; the more you practice, the lesser time it will take you to learn the bike. After all, practice makes a person perfect. 

Safety Measures While Learning to Ride a Motorcycle:

As mentioned above, you’ve to accept the fact that accidents caused because of rider mistakes can be fatal enough.

The topmost safety measure you can take right now is not to choose the high CC bike. We already mentioned in our previous post how a high CC bike can be dangerous for you. 

Second, before riding, please ensure that your bike is in excellent condition. Your bike chain, tire, throttle, seat position, etc., should be in excellent condition before riding the motorcycle.

Afterall, as a rider, you must protect yourself and other people around your bike from any fatal accident.

The third thing that you can do is not to cross the bike speed limit. High speed might cause bike slip and injure you. Always remember, it’s better late than never.

The fourth thing you can do is to ensure your riding gears are in excellent condition. Your helmet, riding suit, and other gears should be durable enough to protect you from any unfortunate situations.

Top 07 Signs you Should Away from Motorcycle:

Apart from the rider’s mistakes, some signs can be also responsible for fatal accidents. If you have any signs, then we insist you to avoid riding motorcycles. 

Signs you Should Away from Motorcycle
Lack of Self Discipline.
You’re a Terrible Learner.
You Know Everything.
You Choose High CC Bikes.
Lack of Good Judgements.
You Always Choose Stunts.
You Choose Not to Wear Helmets.

Lack of Self Discipline:

Learning to ride a motorcycle isn’t a matter of a few days; it’s a matter of years and practices. 

If you think you can master the technique in just a few days without any hard work, then you’re wrong. Applying brakes to avoid any unfortunate situations, shifting gears, and using the throttle needs your muscle memory. 

Unfortunately, this muscle memory takes many years of practice and self-discipline to develop. If you think you’re god-gifted to become a professional rider in a few days, then you’re wrong. 

You’re a Terrible Learner:

Being a terrible learner is one of the signs to stay away from motorcycle.

Anyone could be a terrible student! But the terrible learner is one who always commits the same mistake again and again. 

It’s always better to learn how to ride a bike with a professional and skilled teacher instead of making the same mistake. If you’re making the same mistake, then it’s high time to learn from the teacher instead of wasting time. 

You Know Everything:

You got your license! Congratulations. But getting the certified license doesn’t mean you’re the professional rider yet.

It takes years and a lot of practice to become a professional rider. If you’re overconfident about your riding skills, then it would be better to reanalyze yourself. 

There’s no statistical data that proves that you become a professional rider after getting a license. 

You Choose High CC Bikes:

Choosing high CC bikes can be the reason of fatal accidents.

We accept the fact that low CC bikes might be the boring ones for you. But believe us, these low CC bikes are the safest option for you. 

High CC bikes are high-speed bikes that bring more unknown risks, including the risk of fatal accidents. 

If you’re not a professional rider yet, then we recommend you start with low CC bikes and trade them when you become an experienced rider (if needed). 

Lack of Good Judgements

Avoiding accidents while riding any vehicle might need righteous judgment. If you lack righteous judgments, then riding the motorcycle might not be for you. 

Maintaining the proper distance between any vehicle surrounds you, applying brakes appropriately, and shifting gears at the time would require good judgemental skills. 

If you’re not so good at judging skills, then we would recommend you to practice more. Practise might bring good judging skills to you. 

You Always Choose Stunts:

Stunts are cool! Isn’t it? Well, stunts can be a cool thing for you. But it would be best if you accept the fact that stunts can kill you. 

You Always Choose Stunts that's why you should away from motorcycle for a time being.

Yes, it can kill you! There’re so many reports available already on the internet. You can read any reports. For the sake of your safety, it’s always better to avoid stunts. 

You Choose Not to Wear Helmets:

Yes, it’s an everyday problem, especially among beginners. Most beginners still think that helmets cause chaotic riding. 

If you still think the same, we would recommend you to stay away from riding the motorcycle. 

We know, sometimes heavyweight helmets cause neck pain. But believe us, neck pain is far better than a severe head injury, and we’re pretty sure you won’t ignore the value of Hemet next time. 

Our Verdict:

Practically, learning to ride a motorcycle isn’t hard. But, before learning the motorbike, you need to know some aspects that will help you understand the motorbike quickly. 

Most people find learning the motorcycle hard because of the sequential gearbox. But believe us, after some practise you’ll be riding the bike effectively.  

Aspects such as learning throttle, brakes, and gear shifting can be challenging for you, but they can be learned by practice. While learning motorcycles, make sure you choose the qualified and professional teacher over your close relative. 

The most common risks associated with riding motorcycles are collision and slip, which may cause a severe head injury. To protect yourself from any severe damage, we recommend you to wear proper safety gears. 

If you’re a rider already and have driven any vehicle in the past, then learning to ride a motorcycle isn’t hard for you, and it’ll be a piece of cake for you. Usually, people learn to ride a bike in 6-8 weeks, but you can learn in just 2-3 weeks if you’ve driven any vehicle.